Call of duty world at war 2 call of duty ww2 2017
Call of duty world at war 2 call of duty ww2 2017

call of duty world at war 2 call of duty ww2 2017 call of duty world at war 2 call of duty ww2 2017

Is Call of Duty: WWII Dead?Ĭall of Duty: WWII is close to dead on PC, with all but the most popular modes struggling to fill even a single lobby however, it is doing much better on console, with PlayStation, in particular, doing very well. The last update launched in November 2020 enabled permanent double XP and reclassified many popular “limited time modes” as permanent fixtures. Image credit Call of Duty: WWII - Published by Activision and developed by Sledgehammer Games.Ĭall of Duty: WWII FAQ Are The Developers Active?Ĭall of Duty: WWII is no longer in active development.

Call of duty world at war 2 call of duty ww2 2017